I love pictures. I've loved pictures since I was little, probably because my Grandma saved everything and there were always tons of old black and white family photos around. I loved looking at those pictures and spent hours at it, fascinated by how everyone looked when they were younger, the clothing they wore, how the houses were decorated. The black and white made everything seem so much more romantic and cool.
Seeing my family's story in these photos brings me so much joy. My grandparents bringing my dad home from the hospital, my parents on their wedding day, and my dad holding me as a baby. These images tell stories that are priceless to me. And that's what I want to give to every family I work with. Every family's story deserves to be told. I would love to tell yours.
Documentary photography preserves the honesty and authenticity of how people really are. What makes them THEM. I capture the relationships that make each family unique.
As a photojournalist I have special training to document; to observe, anticipate, and capture. Posed portraits are great for showing what someone looks like. Documentary photography is great for showing who someone IS.